Contact: Holly Singleton at 530-510-5000 for more information on Registered Haflinger horses!
Ducati TOF, Silver Classified, A Cn 29485, AHR#10944-98
Daughter of Saphir (Seespitz x Margi) out of Darina (Matador x Dunja) Dam of: Ducati comes from a very prestigious Haflinger family. Ducati’s maternal grandmother, Dunja, is also the grandmother of Dorata, chosen as World Grand Champion Mare and Abendstern, named World Grand Champion Stallion at the World Haflinger Show in Ebbs, Austria in 2000. Ducati’s dam, Darina, was classified as an “Elite” mare in Austria.
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Holly Singleton, owner and trainer COME AND VISIT AT: 7087 Ceres Ct. Redding, CA 96002 Fax: (530) 221-3198, Cell 530-510-5000