Contact: Holly Singleton at 530-510-5000 for more information on Registered Haflinger horses!
TOP OF THE LINE FARMS 7087 CERES CT REDDING, CA 96002 Holly Singleton owner 530-221-3198 fax text/cell 530-510-5000
BREEDING CONTRACT 2022 (click here to open pdf file)
Name of Mare:_______________________________ Registration Number__________________ (IF applicable) Stallion or Jack (circle one)) SKY’S THE LIMIT WSF STATELY LF Registration information : Sky's the Limit WSF, (Skorpion X Fascara) AHR#31825-11, LIC # 2147-14, Stately LF, born 3/3/1994. AHR#5796-94 license#798-97 1. Breeding Privilege: Mare Owner does hereby agree to breed the mare identified above (“Mare”) to the stallion identified above (“Stallion”) for the 2021 breeding season. The Stallion service fee of $500 for Haflinger stallions. Mare Owner agrees that upon signing this contract that it becomes a binding contract, subject to the terms and conditions herein. 2. Breeding Season: Top of the Line Farms has reserved a breeding for the above listed mare during the 2022 breeding season. Breeding Season begins February 1st and ends July 15th. 3. Live cover: The Mare may be transported to Top of the Line Farms for live cover at the owners expense. Mare care fees are $18 per day for a mare and $25 per day for a mare and foal. All veterinarian fees are paid by mare owner and will include the following: Breeding soundness exam (optional), palpations and ultra sounds to verify readiness for breeding and check for status of pregnancy. The veterinarian on call is Dr.Meghan Hillyard 530-356-0031 If mare owner wishes another vet to check their mare they must let us know prior to mare’s arrival. All fees are due before mare can leave the ranch. 3.b. Collection for AI. Top of the Line Farms uses Flying H Ranch for all collection activities. Semen will be collected, examined and shipped with all the fees paid for by Mare owner. Typical fees run $300-400 above breeding fee making total breeding fee+ expenses around $800 - 900 4. Conditions: Mare Owner whose signature appears below warrants that he/she is the owner of record, lessee, or authorized agent of the above named Mare. Mare Owner represents to Stallion Owner that Mare is healthy and in sound breeding condition, leads, ties and is able to be handled. Mare Owner agrees to provide a copy of registration papers (if registered) and a photograph of Mare with this Agreement. (papers and photograph is waived for Mares purchased from Top of the Line Farms). 5. Return Breeding Right: Top of the Line Farms guarantees a live foal only if Mare is examined by a licensed equine veterinarian between 15 and 50 days after the last breeding date and Top of the Line Farms is notified of her pregnancy status at that time. A live foal is one that will stand and nurse unassisted. Should the Mare abort or the foal be born dead, Top of the Line Farms must be notified within 48 hours and a veterinarian’s certificate shall be delivered to Top of the Line Farms within 21 days or the live foal guarantee is null and void. In the event no live foal results from the breeding, Mare Owner has the option of breeding the Mare the following breeding season ONLY, on the same terms and conditions set forth herein, with the breeding fee waived. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, all guarantee privileges are automatically lost and forfeited if Mare: a. Is bred to any other stallion before being bred back to the Stallion or jack in this contract b. If the Mare Owner fails to order semen for the Mare for rebreeding the following breeding season or does not transport the mare during the months listed as "breeding season". c. If the Mare is sold or otherwise disposed of prior to the birth of the foal. d. If the Mare Owner fails to pay all required expenses. 6. No Warranty: Stallion Owner makes no warranty or guarantee that semen will be available for delivery within a certain time period. Mare Owner understands that shipped semen is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Orders made on collections day are at a high risk of refusal. While every effort will be made to ship viable semen, Stallion Owner makes no guarantee that the semen will safely reach the insemination point without losing integrity, quality or characteristics, or that shipping company or airline will deliver in a timely manner. Stallion collection services recommended to be completed by Flying H Farm. 530-347-7664 7. Waiver of Liability: Mare Owner agrees to diligently try to settle Mare. If , however, Mare does not settle, Mare Owner agrees to hold harmless and release Stallion Owner, Holly Singleton, Top of the Line Farms, and their respective agents, employees, representatives, assigns, affiliated persons, and/or others acting on their behalf from any loss or damage. Mare Owner agrees Stallion Owner, Holly Singleton, Top of the Line Farms, its agents employees, representatives, or assigns shall not be responsible for any disease, injury, death or accident to the Mare, resulting foal (if any) and persons involved with said Mare. 8. Certificates and Substitutions: Breeder’s Certificates will be issued when Top of the Line Farms has been notified Mare has foaled and all bills incurred by Mare Owner under this agreement have been paid. Mare Owner will be solely responsible for seeking registration of the resulting foal in the appropriate breed registry/registries and will pay all associated fees or expenses. If the Mare dies, or becomes unfit for breeding, the Mare Owner may return the following breeding season ONLY with a substitute mare approved by Top of the Line Farms under the same terms and conditions set forth herein. 9. Entire Agreement/Governing Laws/Venue: This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and may be amended only in writing signed by each of the parties. Mare Owner agrees that this contract shall be construed, governed and interpreted by and in accordance with the internal law of the State of California. Mare Owner further agrees that if any action or arbitration is brought to enforce or interpret the terms of this contract, the proper place of venue shall be Shasta County, California. If any provision of this contract is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or void, the remaining provisions of this contract shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 10. Miscellaneous: This contract is non-assignable and non-transferable. Notwithstanding any other part of this contract, Mare Owner further acknowledges that should the Stallion die or become unfit for service after the Mare is pronounced safely in foal, Stallion Owner shall not be in breach of this contract and is released from all further responsibility. Mare Owner further agrees that should Stallion die or become permanently unfit for service, any monies paid towards Stallion Fee, less collection and shipment fees, shall be refunded to Mare Owner for any Mare that is not settled and qualifies for rebreeding privileges, thereby releasing Stallion Owner from all further responsibility.
Stallion Owner Signature _____________________________ Date____________
Mare Owner Signature ______________________________ Date ___________
FEE STRUCTURE: Stallion service fee ($500) approved mares only SHIPPED SEMEN OR LIVE COVER $200 due at time of booking. Final $300 due before breeding or shipping of semen for stallions. Boarding and vet expenses due before mare leaves ranch LIVE COVER ONLY Collection Fee paid to Flying H Ranch ONLY FOR SHIPPED SEMEN and typically run $300 above the breeding fee. Payment to be completed BEFORE semen shipped Shipping Fees with FedEx paid by mare owner (varies) ONLY FOR SHIPPED SEMEN Return shipping Fee for container and deposit on container if provided by Top of the Line Farm. Mare Owner provides own container shipping paid by Mare Owner to Stallion collection point.
Mare Owner__________________________________________________________ PHONE ____________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________ CITY,STATE,ZIPCODE:______________________________________________________
WORK PHONE___________________________________________ EMAIL, CELL PHONE, OR ADDITIONAL NUMBERS_____________________________________________________________
NAME AND ADDRESS WHERE SEMEN WILL BE SHIPPED: NAME __________________________________________________ PHONE _________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ___________________________________________________________ OTHER PHONE ___________________________________________________ FAX ___________________________________
PLEASE CHECK WITH FEDEX! Saturday Delivery Available? Yes No (circle one)
Hold for delivery? Yes No (circle one) Nearest Airport ____________________________________________
Holly Singleton, owner and trainer COME AND VISIT AT: 7087 Ceres Ct. Redding, CA 96002 Fax: (530) 221-3198, Cell 530-510-5000